ROSALIND Platform Iconography
In order to maintain a clean and consistent image of the platform, I created a family of icons to be used as part of ROSALIND'S main navigation. This project called for a visual language to represent areas of the platform that are of a higher work-domain complexity, i.e, experiment setup, proteomics analysis, and genome tracking. It was important to create a set of distinct and clear icons to represent these features that are unique to the platform.

This mockup demonstrates how the icons might look when arranged in a megamenu. The addition of the item titles and a short description was made with the intention of further clarifying the navigation and the icon's meaning.

I utilized an icon sizing template to help make sure that each icon optically looked to be the same size, despite differences in height, width, and shape.

In a previous iteration, we designed a family of outlined icons, but we figured that these didn't make as strong an impression on the user as did a set of filled icons.
First Iteration Sketches